ini pengikut2 aq

Thursday, April 28, 2011


memg syok kn lau tgok org kte syg buat xsenonoh...
mcm f*** je an...
memg congrates lah pd otak aq yg mengatekn die tido ngan betina tu...
tp pd pagi buta bertarikh 28 april 2011...
setelah aq bgn tido n nak pegi pipis...
aq ternampak dua lembaga terbaring di hadapan tv..
aq buka lampu n ternyata jantan yg bernama abdul malik telah miniduri betina xbermaruah itu..
wah,secara terang2an nampaknye yer...
sekalung tahniah ku ucapkan kerana telah menghilangkn kepercayaan aq pada kau wahai manusia durjana yg x berhati perut...
get lost....
dissappear from my life...
u make me even more stronger than i was before...
i won't cry for this...
i means nothing to me at all...
cuz u r nobody to me...
i don't know you anymore...
u r just a devil that pass through my face for quite a second and puff*** u're gone as thee told you so...
thanx to thee for making me tougher to face all the consequences in my life...
now i'm feeling braver to face the life....


  1. yang tuhh cazen nik kan? sabar dear!

  2. thanx babe..
    i will be strong eventhough sometime i feel like want to smack his head thousand times..
    but there's no need cuz he's juz a dummy who always get dump by his fiancees
