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Sunday, September 5, 2010

new life with nik mohamed fardaus and the others...

i've found what i've been looking for all this while...i got what i want..he's not that perfect but perfect enough for me...he really care for me....not that easy to find someone like him nowadays...for some, they may not like him because of his past..but aq accept him the way he is...nothing in the past will effect the present..if thats was him, then i will accept it without any doubt...yeah,he's the only guy thats in my heart,my mind and my thought every single tick of the clock...i can see that he really loves me...tell me who would come to you straight after 8 hours of work just to buy you a single piece of ticket for you to go back to your hometown...who would travel through 30 minutes ride with lots of cars every night because he want to see you and don't want you to miss him...who would use their mind to think for you, take a risk for you, cook for you....not many guys in this whole wide world would done such a thing for us...that is why i really love him and i really2 don't ever want to lose him...he's not like any other guys that i've met before...that's the thing about is about my brother(zikri)...he's nice...he advice me a lot...yeah, i do love him, as a brother...believe me, there's no one like there anybody that's not related to you feed your mouth with their own hand? non right...even my real brother don't do that to me..he really comfort me...he took care of me as if i was his real sister...i've never feel alone ever since...he was always there for me...nik also got some other friend and cousin that i already to(jimmy, faiz, a'yie and some others)...they were very nice to me...sometimes its hard for us to get close to someone we don't know..but trust me, with all these guys, you won't feel pushed away..i just can't believe that just in nearly one month, i've gone through a lot with all these guys...yeah, they were all i can count on in this big and scary all these guys a lot...god please don't separate us ever...then, these are others that i've known before i met these guys like azree, fiqry, ipin and some others...these people really help me a i wished i could pay them back...i owe them a lot..these people were like family to me...i hope life will stay like this forever...i've never think about problems at all when i'm with them...they really makes me happy...

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