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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

story of my life

since i was a little girl, my life had been miserable..i often been scolded by my mum..i didnt know what i do wrong..even if other person's fault,i will be the one who would get tired of it..
well,i was born in pahang in family was quite fine by that time..when im 3 years old, my family got broke n we moved to johor bharu.we lived at my aunty's house for about 6 month if im not mistaken.i was often bullied by my cousins.i still remember they lock me up in the toilet at night without light. i was scared.i push the door,then suddenly they open it without any warning..i fell down and my head hit the really hurts..i was hurt physically and emotionally..then, my father got a rental house to was just a small house but its enough for the five of us to day, we went back to their house for a visit..gladly those bullies were out..but unfortunately,something really bad happen to we were crossing the road,i let go off my mothers hand.without noticing theres a car coming up,i ran to cross the road and i was hit badly by the car..i as floating in the air and bump onto the car..i was badlu injured..i was taken to the putri specialist hospital..they said i was in 50-50 condition..i was about to die..half-right off my body was seriously damaged..thankfully,Allah still want me to have a im alive..but my right eye cant see and my right ear cant hear..i was in icu for 8 days..i was in coma throughout the days...when i get to my sense, i cant stand and i cant walk..i thought i was capped but they said i need a little practice as i was lying on the bed without any movement for 8 parents had to pay rm8000 for the cost..they blame me for all that happen..nothing i could do or say..then,time goes i said before,i often get scolded..they really do blame me about the hospital cost..cuz there goes their savings..while living in that rented house, i got two very close friends tha is eka roziana and mohd asyraf..they were such a good friends..we went to kindergartens together n sit in class together the evening we play games together..but then.when i was in standart3,i got to move to gelang patah cuz my dad got a new job there..i got to leave my lovely friends was sad though but im also excited to meet new friends there..well,i got there and the place is not so nice and the people was not so nice..this where i started to be a bad girl..haha..i met this boy..he was one year lower than me..cute but very naughty..we play bycicle,badminton,computer games and alot of things together..but when i was in standart6,i got to move to miri sarwak cuz my dad got a new job there..once again i had to leave my friend..when i reached miri,its not a bad place anyway..i get close friends..when i was still in standart 6,i was in love with this boy named adam,we couple for a few month before i found out he was dating other hurts but life must go on..i throw away the necklace he gave me on my birthday so that nothing would remind me of him...then in form one,at first,i was a good girl..but then a turn into a bad the end of the year until form two,i become a smoker and i drank alittle..butit does not effect me at that time,i was in relationship with this guy named stanley ricky..a very big guy with a very big the middle of form 2,something really2 bad happen to my mother found out that my father was married to other mum told me about it..i was not able to cry at that time..i was stunned.but she said i am not sensitif and thati does not have a could she say that to me..i just dont want her to be even more sad as she look at me crying..i was really hurt by what she had really teared up my heart..then, my mum decided to move the time we about to go to the airport..i hug my dad..he told me to study..i cant stand my feeling..but i tend not to cry cuz theres no use of wont stop me from going..i really love my dad though..then i arrived at gelang patah..thats where my life become way too miserable..i keep on backup my dad but as theydont like it,they keep on pushing me if im not even exist in their family..i ran away from home..i sleep at my neighbour's house..i was sad..i cant stand it..then the police brought me back home..she took my phone and wont let me go out of the house..i dont know what to do anymore that time..thank god i entered technical school in form4 and form5..then i went to plkn..haha..nice journey there..then i ran away from home again two weeks before i entered kptm kl..yeah,i went to my spouse (wan)house..his family knows me alot so there was no problem..i slept there for about three days two nights..nice sleep..haha..then here i am in kptm living my own life happy with my life right housemate were all so nice and understanding..i love them all..but at times,wan keep on making me felt like shit..but then,there came iswandi to comfort me..i got a brother here..a very nice one..his name is radhi helmi razali @ kechik..he is so cute and funny..he really makes me happy..i love him so much.. wonder if he is my real would be fun..hehe..what a dreamer am i..tats all i got for now,,then i got a best friend that somehow care about me..he is azfar..eventhough sometimes i hate the way he act but he comfort me alot..thats all i got for now..

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